IPMC was held on 28 Nov to 2 Dec 2022 delivered by Mr. Francis Walter Jones. He is a Chief of Instructor at School of Air Traffic Control, Victoria Australia. IPMC designed to provide the participants with the necessary fundamental knowledge, skills and abilities to provide classroom- based training and simulator practical assessment as an instructor within their sphere of expertise and qualification in order to maintain a high standard of instructing and coaching in our training organization. 20 instructors in the ATC field with 30 years individual experience have participated in this program. All participant must complete PMIC to prepared and enrols them for Primary ATC (ICAO 051), Aerodrome (ICAO 052), Approach Procedural (Non-Radar) (ICAO 053), Approach Surveillance Course (ICAO 054), Area Procedural (ICAO 055) and other ATC Course or related aviation course as an instructor